06 août 2009

Sex and the City, the Movie, II

La Parisienne a New York en a parle ici, SATC II est en preparation, avec casting a l'appui.
WWD a consacre a toutes les fashionistas et addicts de la ville un article sur le sujet qui est en ligne ici.

"Fashionwise, it seemed most seized the opportunity to pay their respects to the movie’s high-low style maestro, Patricia Field. They came decked out in looks ranging from mainstream to outlandish, club chic to downtown grifter, fabulous to freaky, Manhattan Mall to Madison Avenue. For one woman, however, it was more the chance to get dolled up.
Some even came with props — designer shopping bags, yoga mats, flowers, small children and large breasts — as a way to stand out from the crowd."

Eh oui, pour SATC, le maitre mot, c'est "stand out from the crowd". Tout est dit. La suite en quelques photos, mais je vous conseille, si vous etes curieux, d'aller voir l'article complet sur WWD et surtout le slideshow !

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