Et ca continue... Je fais finir par m'habituer a marcher ma demi-heure dans Manhattan, entre la gare et mon bureau ! Meme dans le froid : -8 ce matin !
Due to the strike by the Transport Workers Union, there is no MTA bus or subway service. The City's strike contingency plan will remain in effect for the duration of the strike. Driving restrictions, including HOV4 and commercial vehicle restrictions are in effect during rush hour, from 5 am to 11 am, weekdays. Commuters are urged to avoid driving at this time, and to seek alternate transportation. Alternate side parking rules are suspended, but parking meters remain in effect. Public school start times and school bus times are delayed two hours. Parents should call the school first to confirm, if they wish to drop off children before the delayed start time.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005

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